From repairs to creating quality umbrellas
Stemming from a family tradition rooted in the leather goods and umbrella repair trades of the big houses, H2O Parapluies was born from a return to Normandy roots.
After the creation of an umbrella repair shop in Paris, Martine and Claude Collard, the founders, settled in Creully, in Calvados, where Ms. Collard's roots were originally.
The chic umbrella, made in France
The founders loved beauty, they loved chic, a job well done and neat finishes. The umbrella made in France H2O was born.
The original designs of umbrellas
Driven by imagination and a sense of creativity, two new umbrella concepts were developed: the Canapluie and the Passvent.
With the success of these innovative products, came the notoriety of the company.
A successful umbrella manufacturer
In a few decades, the company grew without ever giving up its values and know-how. Umbrella models followed one another, demonstrating endless possibilities. H2O Parapluies gained in fame over the years to the point of becoming a real center of tourist interest.
A successful umbrella manufacturer
Building on its success, the company’s workshop moved a few kilometers to settle in its current location, in Crépon, near Bayeux and still in the heart of Calvados, the original homeland of the Normandy H2O Parapluies. The new building now houses the workshop which, in addition to the production of umbrellas, houses the shop where many visitors come each year.
They can thus discover this extraordinary factory and the methods of making an umbrella..
H2O Parapluies has thus been awarded numerous distinctions including:
- le prix « Bravo l’accueil »
- le Trophée du Tourisme 1999
- les Ailes de l’Entreprise individuelle 2004 et 2005
- le prix de la Dynamique Artisanale Artinov 2006
- le prix Stars et Métiers (catégorie stratégie d’innovation) 2014
- l’attestation d’excellence Trip Advisor 2018
- le label Qualité Tourisme
Rare DNA
Excellence, agility, elegance and creativity are the strong values carried by H2O. These are also values of professionalism, humanity, listening, respect, sharing and service that H2O Parapluies maintains on a daily basis with its partners, visitors and customers in its production activity.
Yves-Charles Boccassini, by taking over H2O Parapluies, gives it a particular boost. Thanks to his experience and his career at the Center des Jeunes Dirigeants, he learns "global performance", where success is only complete if suppliers, employees and customers are fully respected in a win-win relationship.
This concept therefore sums up the DNA of H2O Parapluies. This means that ethics are at the heart of how it works. H2O is a company that lives with the times and tries to reduce its impact on the environment. H2O Parapluies undertakes to:
- prioritizing local suppliers
- sorting and recycling its waste
- reducing its carbon impact